
Get Prime Exposure in Our Listing Feed!
Showcase your brand directly to doctors, brokers, and investors actively searching for healthcare practices. Enjoy maximum visibility with premium placement across our high-traffic listing pages. Plus, your ad circulates through PracticeFinder’s social media channels for extended reach.
Image Size: 500x500 (Logo/Artwork)
BANNER AD (Add-on with Premium Only)
Boost Your Visibility with Banner Placement!
Add a dynamic banner to your Premium Ad package and get prominent placement within practice listings. Capture the attention of high-intent buyers and industry professionals right where they make purchasing decisions. Banner ads are also featured across PracticeFinder’s social platforms for added exposure.
Image Size: 300x50 (Banner)
Feature Your Brand in the PracticeFinder Marketplace!
Gain a dedicated spot in our exclusive Marketplace, complete with a direct link to your website. This is the perfect solution to drive traffic, generate leads, and showcase your products and services to healthcare professionals and brokers. Marketplace ads are also shared on PracticeFinder social media channels.
Image Size: 500x500 (Logo/Artwork)
Link: URL of your choice

Maximize your Impact!
Our Comprehensive Total Ad Package Includes:
- Premium Placement in listing feeds
- Banner Ad placement within listings
- Marketplace Ad with a direct link to your website
Plus, receive full social media promotion across all PracticeFinder platforms.
Image Sizes:
- Premium & Marketplace: 500x500 (Logo/Artwork)
- Banner: 300x50 (Banner)
Support & Engage with the PracticeFinder Community!
Become a valued sponsor and increase your brand’s visibility while supporting PracticeFinder’s mission to connect healthcare professionals with their dream practices. All sponsors receive acknowledgment on PracticeFinder’s social media platforms and newsletters, with premium sponsors receiving additional exposure in webinars and events.